Page 5 - C.A.L.L. #34 - Winter 2011/2012
P. 5

We are privileged to be able to share with you the thoughts of doctor, clown and
             social activist Patch Adams. This piece has been specifically written for us at
             C.A.L.L., and explores Patch’s relationship to ‘community’.

             Dear Anton,

             My first costume was a gorilla costume.            with 170 clown trips, connecting with

             I have always felt membership as a                 other groups collecting people who will
             primate community. Jane Goodall's                  fill the hospital when it is built. This
             pieces in National Geographic were                 collection is the community organically
             most captivating for me. We are made               formed in its current form. In those 12
             to live in community! Nuclear family was           years we determined what qualities
             an unhealthy failing institution. I                would be the culture of our hospital
             started an intentional community in                tribe. We wanted our hospital, full time
             March of 1971, a model hospital                    staff and volunteers to be the vision of
             addressing all the problems of health              happy, funny, loving, cooperative,
             care delivery in one                                                        creative, and
             model. All of the           The smartest decision in my                     thoughtful. This
             original ideas are                                                          would be the

             beautifully intact          life was that I am a WE. I am                   atmosphere. We
             except on: NO               tribal. If someone asks what                    want our free
             publicity. Our model is                                                     playful practice
             so radical that             has been most interesting,                      of medicine to
             without publicity,          fulfilling, stimulating, it is                  prevent burnout.
             we'd never get built.                                                       The ideas of
             Everything we've done       community.                                      Gesundheit have
             has been communal.                                                          been the glue for
             For 12 years we lived together to test             our sustained interest, passion and
                                       our ideas, to be         play. "We" is the nest so that, the "I"

                                       a model                  can fly. I don't have an "I" that isn't a
                                       alternative to           "we". At the heart of our spirituality is
                                       the business             friendship, and at the kidney of
                                       hospital model.          friendship is fun and love. The world's
                                       After this it            disasters need everyone's help.
                                       was clear, to            In Peace,
                                       continue we
                                       had to close             Patch
                                       our doors and
                                       focus on                 Gesundheit! Institute
                                                                PO Box 307
                                        building our
                   Patch Adams          ideal hospital.         Urbana, IL 61803

                                        So for 28               Ph: (217)344-9077
             years since, we have circled the global            Fax: (217)344-9102
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