Page 3 - C.A.L.L. #38 - Summer 2014
P. 3

To coincide with the release of a documentary film “American Commune”, a project by
            filmmaker-sisters Nadine and Rena Mundo who were born on The Farm in the 1970s,

            many column inches have been written in the press about the Tennessee community.
            Here we publish an interview with two long-standing community members

            By Andres Diaz

            Phil and Mary Schweitzer met and fell in love on The Farm, a former hippy commune
            in Tennessee. Phil is a founding member of the community. Mary has lived there for
            about 35 years. Today they live in a beautiful home they built, which they run as
            a bed and breakfast. But life wasn't always so easy…

                                                         It must have been tough. It must have
                                                         been really difficult.

                                                         Mary: I can describe it really easily. It was

                                                         like camping out for 10 years. That's my
                                                         standard line. It was hard. You know, only
                                                         cold running water and then sometimes not
                                                         even that. In the winter the pipes would
                                                         freeze.... We were very committed to being
            together and doing this thing and raising our kids.

            Phil: We were cold in the winter. We were hungry. There were times when it was hard
            to get shoes on your feet. There were real financial challenges for many years. And

            one of the things that sustained us was that we didn't just live here but we also went
            to do relief and development work around the world. And seeing the way people lived
            in the third world made us feel wealthy.

            Someone described The Farm as being an intentional community. What do you
            think is the intent behind the Farm?

            Mary: Well, we really have a nice group of friends here. We try to live in peace and
            harmony and not harm the earth.

            Phil: We came here as a group because we wanted to have a collective voice that
            would be loud enough that people could hear. We weren't hiding. We weren't running
            away. We were saying, 'We have things we'd like to communicate.' But people aren't

            listening to one or two of us. But if we've got 200 of us, or 1,000 of us, then we're
            going to have a voice. And people will notice.

            As many of the original members begin to reach their golden years, there's a
            new debate about what will happen in the future.  There's concern among many

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