Page 5 - C.A.L.L. #38 - Summer 2014
P. 5

Intentional Communities and Solidarity Economics

           The mutual need for seeing each other
           Michael Johnson, Ganas Community (, Grassroots Economic Organizing (

           Solidarity Economics is a powerful                   understand the power of community and
           framework for thinking about alternative             cooperation these ‘formal’ models offer.
           and grassroots economics being used                  They need also to take note that the
           across the globe                                     intentional communities movement
           (                       embraces “projects where people strive
           Solidarity Economic enterprises and                  together with a common vision.” In both

           organizations collaborate locally and                of these regards, nothing could be more
           regionally to build a just, peace-based, and         aligned with solidarity economics and most

           fully democratic society. They collaborate           other forms of alternative economics.
           with a diverse range of other citizen

           groups to build and share power in                   Grassroots economic activists are, to a
           democratic networks where peace-building             very large extent, unaware of the breadth
           and peace-making are widely used to                  and depth of the intentional community
           prevent and manage conflicts.                        movement, nor of how much they
                                                                themselves have in common this
           Onlookers may well ask, “Why all this                movement. Likewise, many of the members
           agitation for alternative ways of living and         in the more formal intentional
           earning livelihoods”? Our answer is quite            communities don’t realize how much they
           complex, but can be roughly summarized.              have in common with these activists and
           The dominant way our culture thinks about            their varied alternative economic
           and does “economics” envisions, for the              institutions like worker co-ops, food co-
           most part, human beings only as                      ops, land trusts, alternative currency,
           “consumers” and Earth as a “storehouse of            barter networks, and so forth.
           resources” to be used for private gain.
                                                                The world is filled with alternative
           Over the last 40 years intentional                   lifestyles and ways of earning livelihoods.
           communities have become a major                      Awareness of them is quite dim and
           alternative economic institution in the              scattered, however. Even people living
           United States. They are much more than               these different lifestyles and practicing
           that, for sure. They are solid, ongoing              different ways of producing, distributing,
           experiments in evolving cultures of                  and consuming goods and services are
           cooperation. They are small “other worlds”           surprisingly unaware of each other.
           already realized. In addition, the ICs in            Mainstream media is, well, radically
           the US are a fully developed movement,               mainstream. GEO's Fall 2013 Theme
           and growing.                                         (
           The more formal intentional communities              seeks to fill and bridge some of the gaps
           are unique and vital for they are both a             that mainstream media’s radically
           major form of alternative lifestyles and             exclusive approach creates. This focuses
           alternative economics. Activists of every            on the connections between intentional
           stripe need to know about them and to                communities and solidarity economics.

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